English version below
Valérie Lecomte est une actrice professionnelle, membre active de l'Union des Artistes et de l'Actra, au Canada.
Après vingt ans de vie aux Canada (Montréal, Vancouver, Toronto et Ottawa), elle est revenue en France, dans le courant de l'année 2024.
Française et canadienne, bilingue en français et en anglais, riche d'une grande expérience, elle est également scénariste, réalisatrice et productrice de courts métrages de fiction et documentaires. Ses films, Claire de Lune, Les Anges font le ménage, Chlore et Clore ont gagnés de nombreux prix en Festivals. (www.iridisproduction.com)
2024 - Valerie Lecomte is back to France, after living in Canada from 2004 to 2023, in Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto and Ottawa.
She is French and Canadian. And Full Member : ACTRA and UDA
Dynamic, enthusiastic, creative and highly motivated, Valerie Lecomte has taken part in many feature films and short films, in France and Canada.
She writes, directs, co-produces and plays in her own films.
Her fictional short-films are Claire de Lune, which won many Awards, including Best Actress and Les Anges font le ménage, also awarded. Her short documentaries include Chlore and Clore, which also won many Awards (www.iridisproduction.com).
She had already produced, directed and played in her first short film : À Coeur Ouvert (Paris, France).
She is the founder of Iridis Production.
She is also the founder of Théâtre à Coeur to provide acting classes and workshops.
Being a former professional figure skater, her philosophy of work as an actress is to always work on her skills.
Valérie Lecomte est une actrice professionnelle, membre active de l'Union des Artistes et de l'Actra, au Canada.
Après vingt ans de vie aux Canada (Montréal, Vancouver, Toronto et Ottawa), elle est revenue en France, dans le courant de l'année 2024.
Française et canadienne, bilingue en français et en anglais, riche d'une grande expérience, elle est également scénariste, réalisatrice et productrice de courts métrages de fiction et documentaires. Ses films, Claire de Lune, Les Anges font le ménage, Chlore et Clore ont gagnés de nombreux prix en Festivals. (www.iridisproduction.com)
2024 - Valerie Lecomte is back to France, after living in Canada from 2004 to 2023, in Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto and Ottawa.
She is French and Canadian. And Full Member : ACTRA and UDA
Dynamic, enthusiastic, creative and highly motivated, Valerie Lecomte has taken part in many feature films and short films, in France and Canada.
She writes, directs, co-produces and plays in her own films.
Her fictional short-films are Claire de Lune, which won many Awards, including Best Actress and Les Anges font le ménage, also awarded. Her short documentaries include Chlore and Clore, which also won many Awards (www.iridisproduction.com).
She had already produced, directed and played in her first short film : À Coeur Ouvert (Paris, France).
She is the founder of Iridis Production.
She is also the founder of Théâtre à Coeur to provide acting classes and workshops.
Being a former professional figure skater, her philosophy of work as an actress is to always work on her skills.